Work Experiences


Frost resource center is an internal website with logins to share files and information to employees.

for Frost Law Firm, PC

I built the front end using Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind UI components, and the Microsoft Authentication Library. It calls a back end REST API that I set up through a headless CMS, Strapi.

I deployed the front end and back end on DigitalOcean while my images and assets are served from an AWS S3 Bucket and distributed through AWS CloudFront.

I used Git repositories for version control and set up pre-commit hooks to verify my builds before pushing them to production.


Next.js React TypeScript Tailwind CSS MSAL DigitalOcean


A law firm website to help new clients learn and reach out to the firm.

for Frost Law Firm, PC

I used Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and styled-components.

I also used SendGrid and Formik to submit customer contact information to a Frost Law Firm email account.

They wanted a "small mom and pop shop" feel and their clients are typically less tech-familiar seniors who may be diagnosed with cancer. I researched web accessibility and balanced design choices that reflected what I found with some aesthetics Frost Law Firm wanted.

Visit siteGithub


React Next.js TypeScript Tailwind CSS Formik SendGrid styled-components


Software developer at an international tech focused e-commerce company

at iHerb

I started as a web applications developer and was promoted to software developer as I gained more experience working with C# and MySQL. I mainly focused on the front end but occasionally looked into back end issues and saw if I could solve the problem.

I learned to code in C# on the job as our codebase was in .NET. Most of my day was writing in JavaScript, jQuery, SCSS, and C#.

I was part of team projects on My Account pages, Orders pages, and Rewards pages: building customer-facing and internal front end.


HTML JavaScript jQuery SCSS Razor C# .Net/.Net Core MySQL Microsoft TFS Git Octopus Harness Jenkins Docker Jira